Thursday, July 26, 2012

First Words, Cousins, and Straws, Oh My!

Dearest Andrew,
Well, I thought I would write a quick letter to let you know a few things that you have done recently that I think are BIG!   First of all, you now officially say four words.  Your first two of course, were “Dada” and “Mama”.  Your third pretty solid word was “kitty” as I said in the previous post, but today you said a word that you have never said before and you have said it many times since.  You like to take Daddy’s badge from work and put it up to your ear like it’s a phone.  It really is the cutest thing!  We got you your first cell phone the other day (a toy of course, we’re not that wacko! Hehe) and Daddy and I always say “hello” when you have it.  Well today you surprised us and said it back clear as a bell!  We were both so excited!  When you are old enough to read this, you will probably think, “Big deal!”, but to Mommy and Daddy, it really was.  
You are also able to recognize people in pictures.  You have actually been able to do that for a while now (you LOVE pictures and video of yourself, and who wouldn’t?), but when Aunt Amy asked you the other day where she was in her wallet, you actually turned to her driver’s license and pointed to her picture!  What a smart little fella you are!  You can point out yourself and Mommy and Daddy, but I was so thrilled to see you recognize your aunt too.  I don’t know why I’m surprised though, you seem quite taken with her and she loves you to pieces too!
Speaking of Aunt Amy, we found out today that she will be having a boy when she has her baby in December.  Woo-hoo!  You will have a little boy cousin to play with and show the ropes to.  I can only imagine the fun you two will have, you will only be a year and a half apart.  I am so glad you will always be surrounded by family.  I hope you learn early just how very important they are. 
Well, the last thing that you have done recently is learn to drink from a straw (see picture above).  Once again, I am sure you will think in the future how silly your mom was, but let me tell you, every single thing you learn just makes me the happiest mommy ever!  There is nothing I love more than watching you learn new things.  Plus now you are able to drink all by yourself.  What a big boy you are!
Okay, well I guess that is all…not such a quick letter after all.  Next week we are having Chrissy take some pictures of you, so they will be up on here in a few weeks.  I can’t wait to see how wonderful they are!  How do I know they will be wonderful?  Because they will have YOU in them!  I love you my sweet boy!

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