Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Paging Dr. Andrew, Paging Dr. Andrew

Dearest Andrew,
Happy Halloween! As you can see, you were a doctor this year, and truly the cutest doctor ever!  Right now my little doctor is lying on me, making it hard to type.  You are so silly!  I love my little guy so much!  Although you are too young for trick or treating, I wanted you to have a cute little costume!  But don't worry, Mommy made sure to still get you a couple of treats for tonight! :) 

I love my little doctor man! 


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My 16 Month Old Talking Toddler

Dearest Andrew,
Another month has come and gone just like that!  I can’t believe how fast you are growing, the months just fly by!  If this month had a theme, it would be talking!  You are talk, talk, talking!!!  I don’t think I have written down every word you have said, but I have tried to.  I got a calendar and am trying to remember to write everything down.  Here is what you have said this month:
  • “Hiiii!” – you said it just like Mommy said it.  Very cute!
  • Baby – you pointed to a picture of a baby and said “baby”. 
  • Outside – you LOVE to go outside! 
  • Bye – you waved bye and said bye for the first time.
  • Shoe – you said this while Mommy was putting on your shoes.
  • Uh-oh – you dropped something and said uh-oh using it correctly.  You also say this when dropping things on purpose.   Mommy always tells you that’s not uh-oh, that’s “on-purpose-oh”.  Hehe. 
  • Go away – you said this after Mommy said this to the tiny little bumps you have on your forehead.  I kept trying to get you to say it again, but Daddy said maybe I shouldn’t teach you that one. 

Here is a list of a few other things you did this month:
  • You also used the word baby to talk about a stuffed animal you were holding.  You kissed your “baby” and said baby.   
  • When Mommy gets you up from your nap I say, “Pacifier down” and you put your pacifier(s) down and reach up for Mommy to pick you up.  You are really starting to understand a lot of things!
  • We went out to eat and gave you a few fries and a little ketchup and taught you how to dip your fries.  You caught on right away and really enjoyed it!  You even like to dip your Gerber Little Crunchies into ketchup.  Hehe.
  • We bought you your first piece of 2T clothing.  It is your winter coat.  It’s a bit big on you, but it’s cute!  I couldn’t believe we had to buy it in 2T!  You are still in 12-18 months clothing for the most part and can even wear t-shirts that are 12 months.  I bet you will be in your 18-24 month pants before I know it!
  • The biggest thing you did this month was something Mommy should have had you do a LONG time ago!  We kept you on formula for breakfast until this month.  I took you off your formula/bottle and you didn’t even care.  You went straight to all milk in a sippy cup with no problem!  You continue to amaze me with how cooperative you are!
  • You like to step on the bathroom scale and according to it, you weigh 26lbs. 

Well, I guess that is all for this month.  I will continue to try and write down what you are saying and doing.  It’s a lot to keep up with, but I love it! I love you bug, thanks for making Mommy’s life so very wonderful!


PS - This picture is from the day after you turned 16 months.  You were at the pumpkin patch with your cousins.  You sure had a lot of fun! :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Cute Kids Need Cute Shoes

Dearest Andrew,
This post goes out to your Mimi.  Your Mimi loves shoes!!!  She bought you the cute Vans in the picture.  This is your fall (and hopefully winter) line-up of shoes.  We have your Converse, Sperry Topsiders, Stride Rite, and Vans.  You have some slick shoes little guy!  We found out while we were in Kansas City (before Mommy got sick, but that's a story for another time) that you indeed have a wide foot, so we need to buy you shoes that come in wide widths.  Fortunately  we were able to buy your shoes on sale at an outlet mall and even though your foot is a bit wide, you can still fit the ultra-cool Vans and Converse.  I know this post will probably never mean anything to you (you will probably be like, "Seriously Mom, you blogged about shoes???), but trust me honey, it's a girl thing.  Mommy and Mimi love shoes, especially on a cool kiddo such as you. 
Alright, I guess that is all for now!  I love you very, very much!
