Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Andrew the Singing Two Year Old (25 Month Update)

Dearest Andrew,
Your poor, poor, little blog!  Your mom isn't doing a very good job keeping up with it.  I guess we are just too busy playing to get around to blogging.  :)  Regardless, this past month went by way too fast!  We have had a lot of fun though.  I guess the main thing that comes to mind about who you are right now at 25 months old is this...you L-O-V-E to sing!  And I L-O-V-E to listen to you sing.  I always think it isn't possible for you to be any cuter and then, boom!  You are!  I can't even imagine what could top that.  There is a cute little cartoon short called Big Block SingSong that you want to watch like 24/7.  The Disney Junior channel on YouTube has around 24 of these little songs and they are each two minutes long.  There are a few that are your favorites and since we have watched them each 1,563,472 times, you are starting to remember the words.  When you sing, you don't just sing, you SING!!!  You are like you Mommy that way.  It's really cute!  I haven't got it on film yet, although I really need to.  It is something that needs to be documented so I can look back on that when you are a teenager and telling me, "Whatever!" and driving me crazy!  Haha! :)
(EDIT - I just realized I blogged about this last month.  Oops! :)  But you are still singing all the time, even more so, so it stays.) 
Anyway, what have you been up to the first month of being two?  Without further ado, the list.

  • You and Daddy had your third Father's Day together.  You were just a three days old for your first one together.  We got to spend time with Papa the two days before and on Father's Day we spent time with Daddy, Grandpa, and Pop.  We sure had fun!  You gave Dad a cup with a bunch of pictures of the two of you on it.  Dada calls it his "two buds cup".  He really loves it. :)
  • You got another haircut (I've lost count now how many you have had) and I allowed it to be cut short thinking we would spike it.  It was so short and I was sad!  I missed your hair.  We got what we needed to spike your hair, but Mommy doesn't really do it well, and Dada never puts enough of the gunk in.  So, we don't do it very often.  You are still cute, but I do miss your hair.
  • Well, you discovered the fact that my phone has a forward facing camera.  You think this is the coolest thing you have ever seen.  You really ham it up when you see yourself on camera!  I have SO MANY videos of you acting like a complete goober!  They will be fun to watch for years to come.  I'm sure your future girlfriends will enjoy them.  Hehe. :)
  • You had your two year checkup and you were 32.5 lbs. (91%) and 37" (still off the charts).  You had to get a shot, but you were a champ and didn't cry!  You got your first sticker from the doctor's office too.  They have always been there, but I never thought you would be interested, but this time I let you get one and you thought it was pretty cool. :)
  • You went to the splash pad for the first time and had a blast.  You kept saying, "Come on Mama!" and dragging me through the water!  Haha!  So technically I had my first splash pad experience too!  I was soaking wet (and not dressed to be soaking wet), but we had a blast! :)
  • You are learning your numbers so well and not only can you count up to twenty, but you know many of them by sight.  You have blocks that have numbers on them up to nine I believe, and you were bringing different ones up to me over and over and telling me what number they were.  You never got it wrong either.
  • You are also an ABC expert.  You can now sing your ABC's all the way through!  And like I said, you don't just sing, you SING!  Haha!  You sing those ABC's with feeling! :)
  • We took you to Incredible Pizza for the first time and let you play a few games and ride on the kiddie rides.  Needless to say, you weren't too thrilled when it was time to go. 
  • You had your first play date with a friend of mine and her son Trenton.  You guys played and played and had a great time.  You are only a couple of months apart, so he is the perfect little friend for you. 
  • We got to go to Ardmore to see GiGi and Papa and you had SO much fun with them!  They love to play with you.  And they took us out for the best pizza in the world.  You were very pleased with that as well! :)
  • This will be something Mama will remember for a long time to come.  Dada, you, and I were all hanging out in the backyard enjoying a nice evening.  You walked up to Abby's water dish, stuck your finger in the water, and then proceeded to lick your finger.  I thought your father was going to pass out.  Don't get me wrong, I thought it was gross too, but Dada's reaction was so funny, I couldn't help but laugh!  He rushed you in right away to wash your hands! :)
  • You woke up the other morning and the first thing you said was, "Dada, blocks with you?"  You wanted to play blocks with your Daddy, but he was at work.  Mama explained to you Dada wasn't home and so I played blocks with you.  Dada made sure to play with you too though as soon as he got home. :)
  • You LOVE your train GiGi and Papa gave you!  Seriously!  You want to play with it all the time.  When you play with it you make train sounds like "Chuga-chuga" and "choo-choo!".  You love cars too, anything with wheels basically, and I love that.  You are such a boy! :)
  • Mommy started a playgroup with some other moms and their kids and we had our first official outing.  We went to the zoo because it was a nice morning.  Most of the families couldn't make it, but you got to hang with your pal Trenton and his mom.  Even Trenton's daddy got to come.  You boys had a great time and we all just sat back and watched as you took in the zoo.  It was a great day.
  • You got to see your first official firework show.  Your first 4th of July, you were just three weeks old, way too young, and last year we were at the cabin and the fireworks were banned due to the drought.  This year we got to watch two separate shows.  You really thought they were cool and the loud sounds didn't bother you.  :)
  • You got to ride in the car attached to the grocery cart as I shopped for groceries for the first time and you thought it was awesome!  You kept sticking your head out the side and saying, "I'm driving Mama!"  You were so excited!  You spun that wheel over and over and had the biggest grin on your face.  Now when we walk into the grocery store, you race over the the carts with the cars and choose which one you want.  Whoever invented that is a genius! :)
  • Okay, so one day when I was getting ready, you were playing in the bathroom and in our closet like you usually do.  This time however, you decided it would be a good idea to get ALL (and I mean every single last one) of Daddy's shoes and stack them in rows.  It took you awhile, and you had to reach way in the back for some, but you did it!  You were SO proud of yourself!  I took plenty of pictures and we left the surprise for Daddy to see...and pick up.  Hehe! :)
  • We had our second play date and this time you got to go swimming at Mimi's with Chloe, Dylan, your cousin Emily, and their mom Adrianne.  Emily didn't get to swim (her leg was in a cast), but she laid near the pool and talked with us.  You had fun playing with them and the three of you swam your hearts out.  No one wanted to get out of the pool.  I can't blame you guys. :)
Things you have been saying lately:

  • "No" - What a shocker! Lol, 
  • "Oh Come On!" - You *may* have got that from me...I won't tell. :)
  • "Are you okay Mama?" - I'll say, "Yes, I'm okay, are you?" and you will say, "Okay!"
  • "A, B, C, D..."  - Like all the time!  Hehe, I love to hear you sing them!
  • And SOOO much more, but I can't even begin to think of it all.  You talk all the time, so nothing really stands out that much anymore. :)
Okay, well that is what's been going on this month.  It's still such a small sampling, but it would take forever if I were to write down everything and then no one would want to read it beacause it would be SO long! :)  I sure love you little man!  I'm looking forward to a great month coming up!