Thursday, November 29, 2012

What Andrew Loves - 17 Month Edition

Dearest Andrew,
I have wanted to do this for a while, but I didn’t know when a good time to start was.  I actually thought about starting back when you turned one, but you see how that went!  Hehe!  I figured now was as good a time as any!  I found this idea on Pinterest and thought it was so cute and a great way to show what is going on in your life.  Pinterest makes Mommies happy and Daddies shake their heads. Hehe!  I love it!  Anyway, I could have added so much more, but I guess I can save that for next month hopefully along with some new things you have discovered.  My goal is to do one of these a month, kind of like your monthly update.   The problem is getting you to stand still next to a wall.  Oy.  That is hard!  All you want to do is run! Yep, that’s one I should have definitely added!  Andrew LOVES to run!  Hehehe!  Oh well, I love you anyway!  Running after you is good exercise!  So, here we go, the first installment of “Andrew Loves”.  Enjoy!
