Sunday, September 16, 2012

Running, Kissing, and Being 15 Months Old

Dearest Andrew,
My, my, how time has flown!  Mommy doesn’t have as much time to write on here anymore.  Why you may ask?  Maybe because someone is a full-blown toddler!  Hehe!  You are one active little boy! You fill my day with such joy.  It’s hard to write down every little thing that you do these days.  It was easier when you know, you were still, but I LOVE the way you are!  You are enjoying life to the fullest and I am too!  I can’t thank God enough for you and allowing me to stay home with you! Last month I did a list and that seemed to work well, so I will do something similar this time.  Here are the top ten moments of the past month.  They are not in chronological order, but in order of Mommy’s “Awwww!” factor!  Hehe!
10. My Son Knows Good Music When He Hears It!  Here is a post from Facebook dated August 26, 2012.  We were at Baja Jacks eating dinner tonight and there was an assortment of secular music playing with no reaction from Andrew. Right before we left, "Hold Me" by Jamie Grace came on and Andrew starting smiling and clapping along. He knows good music when he hears it. :)”  Oh yeah, that’s mama’s boy! 
9. Freedom! Jennifer and I spent the day together just running around town and I had my best little buddy with me.  She had to go to Lowe’s (Lowe's???  Really??? Hehe)  to get something and I decided to let you walk with me.  The aisles were big, there was no one around, so I let you walk on your own.  Oh did you ever have a blast!!! It was so fun to watch you have a tiny bit of freedom, that I bet to you, felt like a ton!
8. More and More Like Your Daddy…  So, I got you a bath toy that is a boat with fish, a fisherman, and all kinds of cute accessories.  You really enjoy playing with it during bath time.  When the bath is over I will say, “Are you ready to get out?”  You then take your boat and start, you’re never going to believe this, putting your toys in the boat!!!  That’s right, my toddler son is cleaning up after himself.  Now, you don’t do this with your other toys, but still!  It is sooo, you guessed it, CUTE!!!  I think you enjoy that as much as you do your bath.  Sigh…I definitely have a Joe Jr. on my hands.  :)
7. Ardmore and Cousins  We went down to Ardmore in August to celebrate Papa and Grandad’s birthdays.  Papa (and Mimi and Pop for that matter) turned 60 this year and Grandad turned 85.  Gi Gi had a big dinner for them and your Uncle Michael and Aunt Aimee came, and Uncle Stevie came with your cousins.  You haven’t got to see them too much, and really haven’t been around kids that much at all.  But ohhhhh, what fun you had!  You enjoyed every second playing with your cousins!  Your face was lit up the entire weekend.  I am so glad you have them in your life!
6. Discovering the Joy of Pizza!  While in Ardmore, you got to have your first real taste of Pizza.  You have had it before, but just teeny bites.  We went to one of the best pizza places ever called Ten Star and I think you ate an entire slice of pizza!  It wasn’t very big, but still!  It was fun to watch you eating “big people food” and even more fun to watch you enjoy it so much!
5. More and More Like Your Daddy Part II  See previous blog.  :)  Andrew + Sippy Cup + Tray = Daddy 2.0.
4. That Crazy Bath Dance!  Oh, the bath dance!  I can’t tell you how much I love the bath dance!  It could cheer the gloomiest of people.  For months now, Mommy and Daddy sing to you when it’s time for your bath.  It’s silly, but it goes something like this, “Somebody likes their baaath!  Somebody likes their baaath!...”  Original, I know.  As you can see, a lot of hard work went into the lyrics, hehe, but when you hear that sing-songy tune, you get SO excited and start bending up and down with your knees and clapping.  It’s hilarious!  Do I have this on video?  You bet I do.  Will I share it with the general public?  Doubtful.  I sound like a complete loon on the video, but you love every minute of it!  You don’t care that your mommy is a loon!  Hehe :)
3. Learning the Ways of the Spoon  Mama, Grandma, and I think Mimi are all letting you experiment with using a spoon.  Although you don’t fully get it, you are sure trying and having a blast doing it.  It’s more play for you right now, but it won’t be long until you are feeding yourself.  It’s easiest to try it with Greek yogurt because it’s so thick and won’t fall off the spoon.  One more way that my little boy is growing up!  Sob!
2. My Little Running Man!  Well, it’s happened!  My little baby that used to lie so still in my arms, is not only walking, but is now running!!!  Double sob!  You are one fast little booger too!  It’s too cute (yes, Mommy says “cute” a lot, but that’s just what you are!) and I love watching you enjoy a bit more freedom.  We have to be even more careful now and watch you that much closer, but I love watching you learn new things and this one especially.  You are growing up right before my eyes. 
1. Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!  So, what could possibly top all of that?  Well, I have to say this has to be one of my top 5 favorite Andrew moments of all time.  I was leaving the other night and I was holding you and praying for you before I left.  I had my eyes closed and was holding you close when I felt a small wetness on my cheek.  Daddy was right there watching and said, “He just kissed you!”  (!!!!!!!!!!!!) ß That is what Mommy felt.  I was SO excited!  My heart just melted away!  This was the very first time you kissed someone and it was ME!!!  Sigh, it was such a wonderful experience.  You are just the sweetest little man ever! 
Well, I guess that about wraps up the past month in the life of Andrew.  It has been yet another great month!  I have enjoyed every second of every day since you came into my life.  Life isn’t always perfect, but it’s so much better with you around!  I love you to the moon and back!

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