Today was a snow day. Now, when you are older that will mean SO much more to you! :) Hehe. That will mean no school which will become magical words you will be waiting to hear every year when winter rolls around. But for now it just meant playing outside and being lazy. :) Daddy was home anyway since it was President's Day, so he got to play with you guys all day. Andrew, you were SO thrilled to get to go outside and play in the "winter snow." Your words. Hehe! What kid says, "I want to go play in the winter snow"? A really cool kid with an amazing vocabulary, that's who! I just love you little man! Aaron, you and I stayed inside where it was warm and cozy and played, drooled (you not me :) ), and practiced our screeching (your new thing). Oh and blew plenty of raspberries (your other new thing). Here are just a few pictures I took of our fun, laid back day.
1. Andrew outside enjoying the snow. This is where you spent a majority of the day. Daddy bundled you up like you wouldn't believe! There may have even been some sandwich baggies between layers of socks to keep feet warm and dry... Oh my! Hehe! That Daddy thinks of everything! :)
2. Aaron "chillaxin'" while enjoying some rice cereal and apples. :P
3. Andrew and Daddy's fort that was full of books and toys because as Andrew said, "A fort has to have books and toys!" Indeed. :)
4. Aaron sitting up looking all cute!
5. An album I listened to that I loved as a kid! I had to order the physical CD (gasp!) from eBay because there wasn't a digital copy to be found! I got it to share with the two of you hoping you will enjoy it as much as Mommy did.
6. Mommy and Aaron's "stripey selfie". Because I mean, what else would you do when you realize you both have on stripes? ;)
So there is just a preview of what a fun day we had. Aaron tried crawling again and was sooooo close, but not quite yet. Daddy may have been trying to get you to crawl by driving a remote control Jeep around hoping you would follow...but I will neither confirm nor deny if that is true. :) Hehe. I love you boys so much!
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