Today you got your very first tooth!!! I knew it was coming because you were not liking it one bit. You are like every other child out there...teething hurts! I promise, promise, promise to try my best not to compare you and your brother, but Andrew didn't have pain with teething (I have no idea why) so it was hard to tell when he was getting one. I went back and read the entry I made about his first tooth and I found this to be OH so true with you as well:
"You know what your favorite game is now??? Never, ever, ever, ever, ever show Mommy your teeth. Getting a picture of your new chompers? Fugetaboutit! Hehe!"
You are the exact same way! You will not let Mommy see that cute little tooth. I did finally get one of Andrew's, but you must have a little more of Mommy's blood running through those veins, because you will not give in! Haha! You are my sweet little buddy all the same! And I just love, love, love your new tooth!!! Love you little guy!
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