My, my, you have been a busy boy these last couple of days! On Moday you crawled (crawled!) for the first time, Tuesday you ate almost an entire thing of baby food for the first time (not just one or two bites), Wednesday you pulled yourself up into a sitting position for the first time and stood in the crib for the first time! What did I tell you? I am just so amazed at all you have done! You are just too wonderful for words mister! You have continued to eat every day and we have so much fun! When I put you in your high chair you just start laughing and smiling. You have also started a new laugh the last couple of days.
Okay, so Mommy has had such a wonderful few days of milestones, but I am ready things to slow down again. I love every single second we have together! Always, always know how much I love you!!!
1 comment:
What a perfect way to start my day!
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