Sometimes you and Mommy like to snuggle up on the couch and watch a sweet little show called "Curious George". I wanted you to have something to watch every once in awhile, and this show is perfect. Just a wholesome little show about a monkey who is verrry curious (kind of like someone else I know...). When we first started watching it, you didn't really seem to care one way or the other. We have watched a couple of other things online, but mainly this is what we watch. Lately though when the show first starts and the theme music begins to play, your eyes light up, you get a huge grin on your face, and you begin to squeal with delight. It is ADORABLE!!! We have even got Daddy to sit down with us for an episode. We can hook up Mommy's computer to the big screen, and it fills the room. Now there isn't much we will watch, but this is something I think we will enjoy for a few years anyway.
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