Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Oh What Fun!

Dearest Andrew,
We sure had a lot of fun this Christmas! We started off at Gramsey and Papa's and got to see Uncle Brent, Aunt Megan, Uncle Michael, Aunt Aimee, Uncle Stephen, Aunt Renee, Zane, and Sky (Grandad was sick, so we only got to peek at him :( ). We had a great time! Gramsey made a super yummy meal and you got to try a little. You sat in a high chair at the table like a big boy. Then we had presents, presents, presents! You got lots of toys and super cute clothes, and so many books! It was fun to see all you got, but at this age, you really didn't care. I bet next year you will. Gramsey got you a book that explains what Christmas really means, and Mommy can't wait to read that to you!
The next day we went to Uncle Keith and Aunt Amy's house and saw Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Eric, Aunt Missy, and Emily. Aunt Amy also made a yummy meal (the turkey was really good!) and we had more presents, presents, presents! Boy kid, are you spoiled! Aunt Amy made you a Peter Rabbit needlepoint for your wall that I think took her forever to do! It is beautiful! We played bingo and exchanged gag gifts. We have some pretty funny pictures! :)
The next day we went to Mimi's and Pop's and got to see Uncle Stephen, Aunt Renee, Zane, and Sky again! Your Pop made the most gourmet yummy meal ever! I know he worked hard on it! We were blessed to have three wonderful meals this Christmas that people worked so hard on! You got to sit at the table again because Mimi went to the store and got three high chairs that fit onto regular chairs. Uncle Stevie put them all together and put them on the chairs. You, Zane, and Sky looked so cute in them! Then you'll never guess what happened after that? Yep, presents, presents, presents! You got even more toys, clothes, and books. You even got a gift from Great Grandma Hensley and your Uncle JJ. We really wish Uncle JJ could have been there, but he lives far away and it was very expensive to come. We will see him again soon!
All and all, it was a wonderful Christmas! You made out like a bandit! Hehe! We are so very blessed to have such wonderful family that surrounds us! You are one loved kiddo! Most importantly, we are thankful because God came down in the form of man as Jesus to save us from our sins. That is what Christmas is all about. You are too young to understand that now, but I pray you will always know what Christmas is really about. Santa, Christmas trees, and presents are super fun, but we are most thankful for our Savior! Merry Christmas my dear one!


Saturday, December 17, 2011

A Month Gone By, But Oh SO Much Happened!

Dearest Andrew,
Well, it has been over a month since I have written on your blog! So much has happened! You started rolling over the day after you turned 5 months old, got your first tooth, sat up for the first time on your own (after Mommy propped you up), and were sick for the first time. You (and Mommy and Daddy) spent your 6 month birthday (which was yesterday) all sick in bed. You started out with an ear infection and then apparently got a stomach bug. Poor little guy! It was so hard for Mommy and Daddy to see you sick. You didn't really act sick, but you were throwing up and all the fun that comes with it. Then Mommy got it and as she was getting better, Daddy came down with it. Thankfully we are all over it now and getting ready for Christmas.
We had Auntie Chrissy (one of Mommy's best friends) take your photo for our Christmas card this year. She did a fabulous job and got the cutest picture of you under the tree. Mommy had a sweet little card made to send out to all of our friends and family. You are truly the cutest subject! :)
I need to finish getting our Christmas cards out, but I had to take a moment and update your blog. You can see our Christmas card up above. You are just precious. I love how much you are always laughing and smiling. You are such a happy baby and that is one of the many, many things Mommy loves about you!
I love you little buddy! Thanks for making every single day the best there is!


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Find Your Wings

Dearest Andrew,
We had your dedication last Sunday and it was such a wonderful time. I love knowing that we have publicly dedicated your life to the Lord. I pray that we will raise you to the best of our ability. I promise to quit having such mushy blog posts (I'm a mom, I can't help it!), but let me give you the words from one of the songs that we used in your dedication. They are so fitting and I couldn't have written them better myself. They seemed to have come straight from my heart. It is a beautiful song by Mark Harris called "Find Your Wings". I pray that Mommy and Daddy will always help you find your way in this life and help you find your wings. I love you!

Find Your Wings

It's only for a moment you are mine to hold
The plans that Heaven has for you
Will all too soon unfold
So many different prayers I'll pray
For all that you might do
But most of all I want to know
You're walking in the truth
And if I never told you
I want you to know
That as I watch you grow

I pray that God would fill your heart with dreams
And that faith gives you the courage
To dare to do great things
I'm here for you whatever this life brings
So let my love give you roots
And help you find your wings

May passion be the wind
That leads you through your days
And may conviction keep you strong
Guide you on your way
May there be many moments
That make your life so sweet
Oh, but more than memories

I pray that God would fill your heart with dreams
And that faith gives you the courage
To dare to do great things
I'm here for you whatever this life brings
So let my love give you roots
And help you find your wings

It's not living if you don't reach for the sky
I'll have tears as you take off
But I'll cheer as you fly


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Your Daddy

Dearest Andrew,
Let me tell you a little bit about your daddy. He is a wonderful man. He is the love of my life (along with you!) and my best friend. He makes me laugh constantly. Most people who have met him have no idea what a real ham he is, and I'm okay with the fact that few people know him like I do, it makes me feel kinda special! Your daddy is a good man and I am blessed to have him. He is a godly man. He is a man of great faith. He is a faithful and kind man. He is all of these things, and a wonderful dad to you as well. He works so hard to provide for us, and he is giving with his time. Your daddy loves you so much Andrew. The day you were born, something new in him was born too. He was meant to be a daddy and he is good at it. I hope you grow up to be just like him. That would be a wonderful, wonderful thing!


Friday, October 28, 2011

Daddy the Softy

Dearest Andrew,
We went to Buy Buy Baby tonight to look at baby bags (Mommy's newest obsession!) and started to look at toys too. We had been there earlier with Mimi (also looking at baby bags...I may need professional help) and we spotted this Grover puppet. You and Daddy watch Grover clips on the Sesame Street website all the time. You...I mean Daddy (hehe) especially love Grover as the waiter. Daddy, and okay...Mommy too, just laugh and laugh at all the many times Grover messes up the same man's order over and over. When you are able to read this, you will probably remember the fast food clip where the food comes REALLY fast! Probably because we will still be watching it! "I would like the O'Salad, the O'Fish, the O'Bread, and an O'Glass of Milk." Too funny!
Anyway, back to the puppet. You saw this and seemed in awe of it. We put a regular Grover doll in front of you and you were like, "Eh!" But this one, this one you LOVED! It was so cute! I think you liked the mouth that opened and closed. So, this puppet is $18.00 and your normally cheapskate (I mean thrifty) father, bought it for you without another thought! I am hoping this means good news down the road for Mommy, and I can finally get my cat! You can just turn on that charm and he'll be putty in your hands! Hehe!
Well, I just wanted to share this with you. If for some reason we don't continue to watch Grover clips, know this is something we did a lot at this time! Daddy and Mommy get a kick out of it anyway! :)


I'll Love You Forever, I'll Like You For Always...

Dearest Andrew,
I am in love with this book! I am so glad that I have you, my dear son, to share this with as you get older. I love how it shows the deep bond between a mother and a son. The first time I heard it was at a graduation or some-sort for your cousin Emily when she was very little. It made me cry then, but now that I have you, it really makes me cry. I will read this to you many times! Of course the lines from the book that are so famous, are very true my sweet boy.

"I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be."

I love you very much! I can't wait for all the adventures we will have as you get older. I love cuddling you now, but someday we will get to run around and play! I don't want you to grow up too fast, that's for sure, but I am looking forward to all that we will share together! You are one of the very best things God has ever given me, and I hope you always know what a treasure you are!


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Many (Cute) Faces of Andrew Part II

Dearest Andrew,
You are one funny guy! Here is another selection of all the funny faces you make. We took these the other night while we were out to dinner. You (still) crack Mommy up! You really are such a sweet boy!


The Plans He Has For You...

Dearest Andrew,
Well I can’t believe it, but you are now four months old. To me, as strange as it may be, it is a milestone. Maybe because I told myself that would be the time I would finally put you in your crib. I’m not really sure, but it seems like a big deal. Tonight you are in your crib to sleep for the first time. I took the bumper pad out, installed a musical device on the side that projects images onto the ceiling, and put you down. You are sleeping away right now. I hope you like it.

Before I go to bed, I will lay my hands on you and pray for you like I have every single night since we brought you home. I pray so many things for you dear one. I pray that you will be close to God all of your life. I pray you will be a witness to your classmates and your coworkers. I pray that you will stay away from things that will harm you. I pray that people will see your light shine. I pray that you will be popular, but not for being the school jock or the coolest kid, but because you love Jesus and people and that others will see that in you. I want people to see a difference in you. I pray you will show God’s love to everyone. I know you will face trying times, heartache, and grief. We all do. I just pray that you learn to lean on God during these times. I pray for your wife and pray the same things for her. I pray that you both will be awesome witnesses of God’s love, grace, and mercy. God has great plans for you Andrew. I know He does. He says in Jeremiah 29:11:

“For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (NIV)

What does he have planned for you? I don’t know, but I know that it is good, because everything that God does is good. I love you so much and am thankful daily for you being in my life. You have made a change in Mommy’s life. Because of you, I have drawn closer to the Lord. Something about being a parent makes me understand God’s love a little better. I know I will never fully comprehend such an all-consuming love such as that, but I feel as if I understand it somewhat better. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for you! I can’t wait to see where He leads us as a family. I know this, we are blessed to have each other and we will face all that comes, good and bad, together. We are a strong family, because we have God on our side. Always know how much He loves you. And always know how much Mommy and Daddy love you too! Sleep well tonight little one!


PS - This picture was taken the other day while we were out running around. You were looking up at Daddy! I think someone is pretty fond of their daddy! :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Like Father, Like Son (and a Little Like Mommy Too)

Dearest Andrew,
We had a blast on vacation back in September. You, Daddy, and I all went to Nashville, TN. It was the first time any of us had been there, other than driving through. It was your first time for sure. We had so much fun! Mimi and Pop gave us a week at a very nice condo and we vacationed in style! You and Daddy took this picture at a park in Nashville. I just snapped it quickly with my phone and didn't think another thing about it. When I got back to the condo and saw it on the computer, I was amazed at how adorable the picture turned out! Daddy doesn't like that his eyes are kind of closed, but it is Mommy's very favorite picture of the two of you so far. You and Daddy didn't plan to dress alike, but it made the picture even better.

Your daddy loves you more than you can ever know, and this picture shows you love your daddy too. From the moment you arrived, everyone said you looked just like him. I will never forget something your daddy said the day you were born. He came back from watching you get your first bath and showing you off and said, "Well everyone keeps saying how much he looks like me, and then they say how cute he is. I guess that means I'm cute!" Haha! I have a feeling you will get your sense of humor from him and as much as you already "talk", you'll get that from me.

Daddy is not perfect and neither is Mommy. I pray though, that you get the best from both of us. Your daddy is one of the most upstanding, God-fearing, holy men I know. I pray you get that from him. Mommy has a soft heart and a happy spirit. I hope you get that from me. We love you so much! You are the greatest joy of our lives!


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Many (Cute) Faces of Andrew

Dearest Andrew,
You crack Mommy up! Even at three months old (which is how old you were when these pictures were taken), you are such a ham! These pictures were all taken in a span of five minutes. We were in a mall in Nashville, I thought you looked perticularly cute, so I started snapping away with my phone! I LOVE the results! You are one cute kiddo! I love you!!!


Friday, September 9, 2011

You Are a Masterpiece

You made my whole being; you formed me in my mother's body. I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. What you have done is wonderful. I know this very well. You saw my bones being formed as I took shape in my mother's body. When I was put together there, you saw my body as it was formed. All the days planned for me were written in your book before I was one day old.
Psalm 139:13-16

Dearest Andrew,
You are truly a masterpiece. I love you more than you can ever know. I was made to be a mommy, your mommy. I love the way this song says exactly how I feel. I love you little man.


Sandi Patty

Before you had a name or opened up your eyes
Or anyone could recognize your face.
You were being formed so delicate in size
Secluded in God's safe and hidden place.

With your little tiny hands and little tiny feet
And little eyes that shimmer like a pearl
He breathed in you a song and to make it all complete
He brought the masterpiece into the world.

You are a masterpiece
A new creation He has formed
And you're as soft and fresh as a snowy winter morn.
And I'm so glad that God has given you to me
Little Lamb of God, you are a masterpiece.

And now you're growing up your life's a miracle
Everytime I look at you I stand in awe
Because I see in you a reflection of me
And you'll always be my little lamb from God

And as your life goes on each day
How I pray that you will see
Just how much your life has meant to me.

And I'm so proud of you
What else is there to say?
Just be the masterpiece He created you to be.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Andrew and the Three Bears

Dearest Andrew,
You loooove your bear mobile on your bassinet! It truly is the cutest thing! When I put you in while I am getting ready in the morning, I turn the mobile on and you "talk" to the bears as they spin. It's wonderful because it keeps you entertained while I am getting ready! You are really such a good baby and Mommy loves you to pieces!!!


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Little Boys Who Eat Worms Are Squirmy Little Fellas!

Dearest Andrew,
Well, I just got done feeding you and you are squirming all over mommy. You need to be going back to sleep seeing as it's 2:00 in the morning. You are so funny the way you squirm! Daddy says it's because you eat worms! Hehe, I don't know about that.
So this cute little picture to the left was taken this past Saturday at the mall. Daddy took it with his phone. You seemed in awe of the lights above...as you always are. I know at this point you can't see too well, so maybe you like the lights because they are something you can see. Anyway, this is one of my favorite pictures of you so far. The look on your little face is just too sweet! You are one precious little boy! I have enjoyed every minute with you since you were born and can't believe you are almost two months old!!!
Well, seeing as you are almost two months old, I will tell you some of the things you have started doing recently. First of all, you are smiling all the time!!! We LOVE to see you smile! It is truly the best! You have the most wonderful smile! You are also cooing quite a bit, and I really think you are trying to laugh, and maybe you are. You are also starting to hold your head up and somewhat steady when on your tummy. It is so neat to see all the things you are learning. I just love watching you grow!!! I am still wondering when you will grow out of your newborn size clothing, but there is no rush! You take your time little one...Mommy has all the time in the world!


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Smiling...Melts A Mommy's Heart

Dearest Andrew,
Well something you have started recently is smiling. Mommy talks to you in a crazy, silly voice and you smile really big and act like you are trying to laugh. It is seriously the cutest thing I have ever seen! You do it all the time now too!!! I just love it! I'm not sure if you know why you are doing it exactly or if you are just mimicking me, but whatever the case, I can't get enough! And you want to know where you do it the most? On your changing table of all places! I don't know if you like getting a fresh clean diaper that much or if you like being ne-kid (hehe!). Anyway, it's cute, I love it, end of story.
By the way, do you know what is special about today? Today is your daddy's birthday. He turned 34 today! Wow. Mommy made him homemade spaghetti and meatballs and garlic bread with fresh mozzarella. It was yummy. I made him a lemon cake for dessert and it was the best part. We got him balloons and you gave him his first ever birthday card from you. It was such a wonderful night for our little family.
Well, you are tuckered out right now in your swing. I love watching you. I guess that is all for now. I love you dearly baby boy!


Dearest Andrew...

As I write this, you are exactly seven weeks old! My how the time flies. I am starting a blog for you now so when you get older, you will be able to read about all the wonderful things you did and all about what a special little man you are. I love you more than you could ever know. You bring more joy to my life than I ever thought possible! Thank you for that my darling baby boy!
