We sure had a lot of fun this Christmas! We started off at Gramsey and Papa's and got to see Uncle Brent, Aunt Megan, Uncle Michael, Aunt Aimee, Uncle Stephen, Aunt Renee, Zane, and Sky (Grandad was sick, so we only got to peek at him :( ). We had a great time! Gramsey made a super yummy meal and you got to try a little. You sat in a high chair at the table like a big boy. Then we had presents, presents, presents! You got lots of toys and super cute clothes, and so many books! It was fun to see all you got, but at this age, you really didn't care. I bet next year you will. Gramsey got you a book that explains what Christmas really means, and Mommy can't wait to read that to you!
The next day we went to Uncle Keith and Aunt Amy's house and saw Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Eric, Aunt Missy, and Emily. Aunt Amy also made a yummy meal (the turkey was really good!) and we had more presents, presents, presents! Boy kid, are you spoiled! Aunt Amy made you a Peter Rabbit needlepoint for your wall that I think took her forever to do! It is beautiful! We played bingo and exchanged gag gifts. We have some pretty funny pictures! :)
The next day we went to Mimi's and Pop's and got to see Uncle Stephen, Aunt Renee, Zane, and Sky again! Your Pop made the most gourmet yummy meal ever! I know he worked hard on it! We were blessed to have three wonderful meals this Christmas that people worked so hard on! You got to sit at the table again because Mimi went to the store and got three high chairs that fit onto regular chairs. Uncle Stevie put them all together and put them on the chairs. You, Zane, and Sky looked so cute in them! Then you'll never guess what happened after that? Yep, presents, presents, presents! You got even more toys, clothes, and books. You even got a gift from Great Grandma Hensley and your Uncle JJ. We really wish Uncle JJ could have been there, but he lives far away and it was very expensive to come. We will see him again soon!
All and all, it was a wonderful Christmas! You made out like a bandit! Hehe! We are so very blessed to have such wonderful family that surrounds us! You are one loved kiddo! Most importantly, we are thankful because God came down in the form of man as Jesus to save us from our sins. That is what Christmas is all about. You are too young to understand that now, but I pray you will always know what Christmas is really about. Santa, Christmas trees, and presents are super fun, but we are most thankful for our Savior! Merry Christmas my dear one!
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