Well, I just got done feeding you and you are squirming all over mommy. You need to be going back to sleep seeing as it's 2:00 in the morning. You are so funny the way you squirm! Daddy says it's because you eat worms! Hehe, I don't know about that.
So this cute little picture to the left was taken this past Saturday at the mall. Daddy took it with his phone. You seemed in awe of the lights above...as you always are. I know at this point you can't see too well, so maybe you like the lights because they are something you can see. Anyway, this is one of my favorite pictures of you so far. The look on your little face is just too sweet! You are one precious little boy! I have enjoyed every minute with you since you were born and can't believe you are almost two months old!!!
Well, seeing as you are almost two months old, I will tell you some of the things you have started doing recently. First of all, you are smiling all the time!!! We LOVE to see you smile! It is truly the best! You have the most wonderful smile! You are also cooing quite a bit, and I really think you are trying to laugh, and maybe you are. You are also starting to hold your head up and somewhat steady when on your tummy. It is so neat to see all the things you are learning. I just love watching you grow!!! I am still wondering when you will grow out of your newborn size clothing, but there is no rush! You take your time little one...Mommy has all the time in the world!
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