Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Andrew Meets Mr. Fork and Mrs. Spoon

Dearest Andrew,
Tonight was kind of a big deal for you.  Mommy gave you your utensils and let you go at it on your own.  You did an AMAZING job with the fork!  You used it like you were an old pro!  I was so proud of how well you handled it.  The spoon on the other hand...well let's just say it needs some work.  Hehe!  But you still did such a great job.  I have let you play with a spoon and really thick yogurt before, but you were eating baby food green beans and they were messy.  It was so much fun though.  That's what Clorox wipes were made for!  And yes, you still eat baby food vegetables.  You love them for some reason.  That is the only baby food item you eat anymore, but I can't get you to eat other veggies, so I am using these.  Your Aunt Renee gave me some great ideas and I need to try them.  I will try them, but this has just been so easy!  Okay, well here are the pictures to prove what a great time we had eating dinner tonight.  I love you little man!


PS - The middle picture on the first one?  Yep, that's you clapping for yourself.  Hehe, you're so silly!

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