Monday, July 16, 2012

Andrew the Walking 13 Month Old

Dearest Andrew,
Well, today you are 13 months old.  This month has gone by so fast, I can’t even remember all that happened.  When I told Daddy you were 13 months old today, he couldn’t believe it!  He looked at you and said, “Didn’t we just celebrate your birthday last week?”  It feels that way! 
The biggest news again, involves walking.  Last month when I talked about you taking your first steps, it was just that.  You took a few steps, waited a couple of weeks, and then took a couple more.  You really didn’t seem to care about walking.  Boy that sure changed!  All you seem to want to do these days is walk.  We moved the coffee table out of the center of the living room so you have a big place to walk and play.  You spend a good part of the day just walking back and forth.  You love to play with your toys and you LOVE to play peek-a-boo!  You will take anything, your bib, a napkin, blanket, whatever, and when Mommy says, “Where did Andrew go?”, you cover up your face and then bring it back down waiting for me to say, “There he is!”.  That makes you laugh and laugh! 
You also discovered Mimi’s kitty Dickens and have officially said another word.  You have said words like “please”, “light”, and a few others, but it’s a one-time thing.   It’s more like you are mimicking a sound more than saying a word.  However when you see Dickens, you always say “kitty” but in your own special way.  It’s so very cute!   You seem to love animals and get excited when you see your dog, Abby, too. 
Music is another thing you seem to enjoy, and you love to bounce along and clap to upbeat tunes.  Mommy will put on some music and we will spend forever clapping, dancing, and laughing together.  I found some clips from a show online called Jack’s Music Show and we have really enjoyed it.  There is one song where there are different movements.  The song says, “You get up, you get down” and when it says up, you raise your hands up and when it says down, you touch the ground.  You haven’t mastered touching the ground yet, but you and Mommy are experts at raising our hands up high! 
We have also transitioned into more regular food and are doing less baby food and bottles.  We still give you a bottle twice a day, but you seem to be losing interest in it a tad.  There are plenty of things you love to eat and here are a few:
Ritz Bits Peanut Butter Crackers, Gerber Little Crunchies, Annie’s Cheddar Bunnies, baked beans, cheesy scrambled eggs, chocolate milk, apple juice, chopped up spaghetti with meat sauce, yogurt, bananas, applesauce, wheat bread with jelly, Nutri-Grain bars, and several other things.
 You don’t mind trying new things, and you also don’t mind telling Mommy when you don’t like something.  Hehe!  You also love to share and are always trying to give Mommy a bite of your food. 
Well little buddy, I guess that is all for this month.  Like I said, it all went by so fast, I am having trouble remembering it all.  There is probably some more that happened, but I think that pretty much covered it all.  Once again the picture shows you the day you turned 13 months old.  In the picture you are doing what you always do lately...walking of course.  I sure love you little man!

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