Here is a quick list of 20 things you do all the time. There are more, but these are the things that came to the top of my head. :)
1. You pull Mommy’s hair…all the time.
2. You are getting up on your hands and knees and moving up to the top of the bed by lunging forward. Then you proceed to bang your head on the headboard. Mommy has to move you back down…all the time.
3. Your favorite new toy? Anything Mommy has put out of reach.
4. You talk all the time and are saying, “Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba.” So cute!
5. You laugh at everything, and I love this most of all.
6. You love grabbing for things, especially those things Mommy is trying to put out of reach.
7. Like I mentioned earlier, you are getting up on your hands and knees, but then you don’t quite seem to know what to do. I think you are getting close to crawling.
8. You roll like no one’s business! Who needs crawling when you can roll as fast as you!
9. At this very moment, you have managed to find Mommy’s hair and are pulling it as I type. Ow!
10. You not only suck your pacifier, you chew and suck every single surface of that thing. You must not want any part of it to feel left out.
11. You get on your tummy and want to move forward so badly, but it just looks like you are swimming. Teehee.
12. You push up on your elbows all the time!
13. KICKING! You kick NON-STOP! :)
14. You suck your thumb…through your pacifier.
15. You watch Mommy eat her lunch or whatever and you watch veeerry intensely as to say, “Give me some of that!” Sometimes you even make smacking sounds while watching. Hehe!
16. You suck in your bottom lip and you make the cutest little face ever!
17. You play with toys a lot, but when a cell phone or iPad enter the picture, you are like, “Toys, what toys?” (You see a theme here? Hehe)
18. You constantly steal Mommy’s heart.
19. You make Daddy smile like nothing I have ever seen.
20. You are the biggest joy of our lives!
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