Taken two days after you turned 17 months. :) |
Dearest Andrew,
Happy 17 months little man! It truly seems like it has only been a few days, not a month, since you turned 16 months. Here we are, another month gone by just like that. I have to admit, there is no way in the world I can keep up with all that you have done (and especially what you have said!), but I did have a chance to write some things down over the past month.
First of all, let me say this…words, words, words! There are so many, Mommy can’t keep up. I know a lot of it is you mimicking us, but I know you are learning a lot along the way. You are learning appropriate times/places/people with some of your words too. You are starting to put names with faces other than just Mama and Dada. It’s cool to see you realize who someone is. So, let’s start with the words that I wrote down. Here they are:
· Oh man! – Yes, this was definitely a mocking thing, but it was so cute!
· Boo! – You said this to Mommy. Mommy likes to play Peek-a-Boo with you and will always “Boo!” at you. This month, you started saying it too!
· Yo Gabba Gabba – You said this at Mimi’s house. Every parents dream. Haha!
· Meow – Well, once again, the cutest thing is now this! When you see a kitty, you meow! Seriously! I LOVE this!
· Ow – You said this because Daddy said it while you were pretending to give him a shot with your doctor kit. All I can say is, I hope you don’t remember that next time we go to the doctor. Hehe.
· Bath – Of course bath time is one of your favorite times and you can now say “bath”.
· Boom – Not sure why you said this, but I wrote it down on November 2nd.
· Hey – You use this as another greeting along with “Hiiii!”
· Ball – You can now recognize and say ball.
· Water – You said this the first time Mimi took you to the park and you saw a pond. You also say this when you see your bath water running.
· Poo-poo – Hehe, Mommy always asks you when you poo-pooed, if you have “Poo-Poo”. This is one of those words you wish you would have thought twice about saying, but it’s really cute when you say it. You really get a kick out of it! Oh my. Hehe.
· Thank you – Wow, this is one of my favorites. You don’t always use it right, but it’s so sweet to hear regardless.
· Hi Dada – Yes, these are two words you already know, but you used them together when Daddy came to get you out of the car seat one day. He loved it and so did Mommy.
· Tickle, tickle – Again, something Mommy says to you when she tickles you. You said it back to me.
The names you said this month are:
· Mimi – You know who your Mimi is now and call her by her name.
· Pop – Same as above, you now recognize Pop by sight.
· Amy – You said this while walking by her picture. Listening to you say her name is just adorable.
· Abby – You said her name after I said it one day while she was barking. Later in the day she stared barking again and you looked at me with a big grin and said, “Abby!”
· Papa – You said this to Papa while he was visiting last week. It was so sweet!
· Elmo – Someone else you recognize by sight. I love hearing you say his name. So cute!
That is a lot little man! And the thing is, you actually say quite a few of them on a regular basis. So what else have you done? Here we go again!
· You learned to open doors by turning knobs (eeek!).
· You learned to climb on furniture including Mommy and Daddy’s bed that’s pretty high. You can also climb into your pack and play from the ground (again…eeek!). Mommy only thought she had to watch you close before!
· You had your first PB&J.
· You celebrated Halloween number two as Dr. Andrew.
· You played at the pumpkin patch with your cousins.
· You got to celebrate both of their birthdays with them.
· You had professional photos taken with your cousins (they are AWESOME!). Thank you Mimi and Pop!
· You went to the park with Mimi for the very first time and had a blast. You L-O-V-E being outdoors!
· You are starting to really learn what the word “no” means, and for the most part you listen. Sometimes though, whatever Mommy is telling you “no” about, is much too tempting! Hehe!
It has been a wonderful month full of many words, lots of giggles and smiles, and chases around the house. Listening to you talk is one of Mommy and Daddy’s favorite things to do! We sure love you little man, and thank God every day that we have you in our lives! Thanks for being the sweetest little boy there ever was!