Getting ready to hike with Mimi. |
Dearest Andrew,
Well, this past month has gone by so quickly! And here you are, officially two and a half!!! I can't believe it! I must confess, I am writing this late…again. I have gotten into such a bad habit doing
that! I need to make sure I get these
done on time so it is somewhat fresh in my head. :) You sure had a fun
month! You got to go to Mimi and Pop’s
cabin not once, but twice this month for starters. You LOVE it there and you talk about it all the time. When you ask where Mimi is occasionally, you
will say, “Is she at Mimi’s cabin?” :) I
can’t really think of a title for this month because you still talk ALL THE
TIME (which I love) and all you mainly play with is trains. I think I have used both of those
titles. So, I will think of something
before this blog entry is over. :)
Okay so, let’s get started with this month’s list of all
things YOU!
- We started this month with a visit to Mimi’s cabin. You. Had. SO. Much. Fun!!! You LOVED playing on the new play-set, and
you got to watch Cars and eat at your very own table that is just your
size! No high chair! What a big step! You still eat in your high chair for the most
part (because let’s face it, you wouldn’t eat unless restrained, hehe), but it
was still really cool for you! :) We went to Ft. Smith with Aunt Don and you
tried chicken fingers in a restaurant for the first time. You eat them at home, but always turn your
nose up at them in a restaurant for some reason. I was proud of you for trying something new-ish. You went on a hike with Mimi (which you
LOVED), played with Marsha and Ray’s dog Dodger (whom you LOVE), and saw their
goats (which you also LOVED). Talk about
Andrew heaven! You really had a great
- You saw a band aid on my leg and I told you that Mama had a
boo-boo, so you went and got your doctor’s
kit to examine me. You used a few of
your tools and then pulled out you (plastic) scissors and said you were going
to have to “cut it off”!!! Hahaha! Good
thing those weren’t real! :)
- You have been making a slurping sound when you see or taste
something you like. For example, “Pancakes!
Yum! Sluuurrrpp!” Hahaha!
- Daddy had a small surgery and had a bandage on his
back. You saw it and said, “Daddy owie”
and then proceeded to tell us you had an owie on your back as well. I guess you had a sympathy one. Note that you didn’t grab scissors and say it
needed to be cut off… I see where your loyalty lies.. :)
- We decorated the tree before Thanksgiving this year (which
we normally don’t do) and you really enjoyed helping. And here is the best part...you did not touch the tree at all! You didn’t take ornaments off or mess with it in any way the entire time it was up!
I was SO proud of you! However,
every morning you made sure that we turned on the lights first thing! You love Christmas lights! :)
- We watched “A Charlie Brown Christmas” (one of Mommy and
Daddy’s favorites) and you now walk around quoting parts of the movie. It is so cute!!!
- You asked for milk and cereal all by yourself. I think you have had it once at Grandma’s,
but you have never had it at home. You
ate most of it and I was thankful for one more new thing that you tried. :)
- We went to the cabin again for Thanksgiving and you got to
see your Uncle JJ. You took to him
immediately! He played with you several
times while we were together and you were over the moon! You even gave him a hug and kiss goodnight!
:) We had fun visiting with all our
family and you got to meet Selena’s little girl Brynn. You enjoyed playing with her for sure! You
got to play with Dodger again, hike, and chase the goats. They actually walked over to the cabin and
you ran to see them, but they ran away.
You still loved seeing them, even from a distance. :) You ate absolutely NO Thanksgiving food other
than some whipped cream off of a piece of pie.
- You seem to really enjoy going to Sunday School now. You always come home with the cutest things
you have made, drawn, or painted. Sis.
Smith is the best Sunday School teacher and you really love her!
- We had a minister’s Christmas party that we went to and
although it was fun, it was long! You
did such a great job sitting still. We
split up into groups for an activity and then stayed there for the rest of the
evening. I did not have my diaper bag where we were sitting so
I had no toys to entertain you and Daddy was in a different group. You sat in my lap for quite a while and didn’t
whine or make any noise. I was VERY
proud of you!
- I woke you up one morning and the very first thing you said
was you played with Dodger last night.
Since we hadn’t been to the cabin in a little while, I can only assume
you were dreaming you played with him.
SO sweet! :)
- You were eating some chocolate pudding the other night and
decided a spoon wasn’t quite going to get the job done. You started eating it with your hands (which
you never do) and it was EVERY-WHERE!!!
You looked down at your hands and calmly said, “I have chocolate all
over my hands.” Hahahaha!
- This is SO cool! I had
just emptied a diaper box and every time I do, you always want to play in
it. This time you said you had to get in
your rocket ship. Daddy took a belt and
looped it through the handle on the side and pulled you all over the
house. It was so sweet and you laughed
and laughed. You certainly loved every
- We had our first snow of the season and Daddy was home with
us. We all dressed up as warm as we could and played and played in it! When we came in, you were ready to go back
- Your Aunt Mona gave you a train pillow case just
because and you LOVE it! You drag your
pillow around and just stare at it pointing out all the trains and their smoke
stacks! It is bright red and so cute! :)
- We went to the Christmas party at Pop’s work and they played
a video that showed all kinds of cars going really fast. After it was over you turned to Pop and said,
“That was a cool show Pop!” I guess you
love anything on wheels. And especially
something that goes that fast!
- I was feeling sick one morning and you looked at me and said, “I’m so
sorry Mommy Princess!” What??? Is that
not the SWEETEST thing ever??? You kept
kissing me on the head and got your doctor kit to give me a checkup and a shot
that “didn’t hurt”. You have never
called me Mommy Princess again, but it was one of the cutest, sweetest things
Well, there we go!
That is what you were up to this past month according to what I wrote
down anyway. You are really enjoying the
holiday season so far and I CANNOT wait for you to experience everything
Christmas! :) I know you will have a
blast this year! I sure love you my best