Your mommy loves the library. I love that we constantly have new books to read. It's such a happy place and I am glad you love to go there with me and that you love reading as much as Mommy does. I snapped this picture when we were there the other day and I just love it. You sure are the cutest thing...ever.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Andrew and the Library
Dearest Andrew,
Your mommy loves the library. I love that we constantly have new books to read. It's such a happy place and I am glad you love to go there with me and that you love reading as much as Mommy does. I snapped this picture when we were there the other day and I just love it. You sure are the cutest thing...ever.
Your mommy loves the library. I love that we constantly have new books to read. It's such a happy place and I am glad you love to go there with me and that you love reading as much as Mommy does. I snapped this picture when we were there the other day and I just love it. You sure are the cutest thing...ever.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Andrew the Summer Loving Two Year Old (27 Month Update)
Dearest Andrew,
Well, I told you this one will be shorter due to me not
keeping track for a couple of weeks, but I imagine I will still have plenty to say. You and I
have sure had fun this summer and you have been such a JOY to Mommy! I am getting ready to take your little pool
down and put away your swimsuit until next summer (although I know you will
need a new swimsuit next year) and it makes me a little sad. Summer
is just about over, but we are cramming in all the fun we can into the last few
days. Like I said, I had the best summer
EVER with my little man, but I am SO looking forward to fall. We are going to have a blast! :) So, here is what you have been up to the past
few weeks. Here we go:
- We took a trip to the aquarium with Chrissy and Olivia and you had SO much fun! This was your first time to go since you were much younger and I am sure you did not remember the previous visit. Even if you did, you spent a majority of your time there in your stroller, but this time you got to walk through the entire thing. You loved petting the little creatures they have out to touch, and you even tried to take a starfish home with you. Hehe. You had fun chasing after Chrissy and even asked her where Isaiah was. :)
- Mommy got you your entire fall (and hopefully winter) wardrobe and had SO MUCH FUN doing it! I love shopping for you. Seriously. Nothing gives me greater joy as far as shopping goes. I was thrilled because I was able to buy you pretty much everything I wanted due to the fabulous sale Carter’s was having. You are going to be one styling little guy!
- We drove down to OKC and met GiGi and Papa for Papa’s birthday. You made him a drawing and Mommy put it on a sign I made and he LOVED it! We had lunch and went to the outlet mall where they bought you two pair of Converse. Wait, didn't we come to give them gifts? Hehe, they love you so much and we were thankful for the shoes. You look so cute in them! :) **EMBARRASSING ALERT** When we got home, you went behind the big chair in the living room and crouched down. Daddy asked you what you were doing and you said, “Eating boogers.” Oh. My. Goodness. After Mommy got done being grossed out, I couldn't help but laugh. I guess it’s something all kids do, but we are trying our best to get you to not do that. Hehe.
- You LOVE to sing at bedtime now! We sing our songs that we always sing and Mommy made up motions to them and you do them along with me. It is so cute! And, now you sing your own songs!!!! Oh my goodness, you did it again! You went and topped yourself by doing something new that is the CUTEST thing! You mainly sing about your trucks. I do have it on film, but it goes something like this, “My truuucks. (gibberish) My trucks (gibberish) they faaaaall down…” etc. Then when you get done, Mommy and Daddy clap and cheer and you bow (yes, you BOW, I have no idea where that came from, hehe) and say, “Thank you, thank you!” Hahaha, I LOVE it! You sometimes sing about trains, Mommy, and Daddy, but it’s usually trucks. Therefore we call it “The Truck Song”. :)
- I showed you some pictures and video of Marcus and you got so excited! You kept saying, “Marcus! Marcus!” You love your cousin and he loves you. I am thankful he is in your life and I know you two will be buddies growing up. :)
- You had some Froot Loops at church the other night and kept insisting Amy and Keith eat a few. Being the good aunt and uncle they are, they ate some. After church was over Amy looked down at you and noticed your hands were all wet and asked what it was. I realized you had been licking the Froot Loops out of your hand and then offering some to them. Hahaha! They had been eating your offering of Froot Loops from a spit covered hand. :) We couldn't help but laugh!
- We FINALLY got you on video singing “Jesus Loves Me” and “You Are My Sunshine” by yourself. It was SO precious! I will cherish that video until the day I die! :)
- You got to spend a couple of days with Sky when she was staying with Mimi and you two had a blast playing together. She loves to hug you and you are not too sure what you think of that. It’s so cute and she is such a sweetie! You also got to go swimming a couple of times and you had your first shower. Mimi put you both in the shower to rinse you off and you thought it was a great time. I was afraid you wouldn't like it, but you did. When I told you it was time to leave, you said “Nope” and kept playing. You did not want to leave. :)
- You made finger-painting’s for all of your grandparents for Grandparent’s Day and gave them all a card. You sure love your grandparents and are blessed to have three sets that spoil you and love you to pieces. I am so thankful that you will get to know and grow up with some of the best people this world has ever seen!
- Mimi got THE video to end all videos. She found out about a video called “All About Trains” that you are obsessed with! It is the hokiest thing ever, but you think it’s awesome! On the days you visit Mimi, this is a typical conversation we have when you come home:
Andrew: All About Trains.
Mommy: Andrew, Mama doesn't have All About Trains, it's at Mimi's house. Do you want to watch something else?
Andrew: All About Trains.
Mommy: Well Andrew, I don't have that, how about Thomas the Train?
Andrew: All About Trains.
Mommy: What about Mickey Mouse Clubhouse?
Andrew: All About Trains.
Mommy: (trying not to sound frustrated) Andrew, Mommy doesn't have All About Trains. How about BHCurious George.
Andrew: (laughing) All About Trains.
- We took you to the library and let you pick out some books on your own. You just randomly chose some, but you still had fun. I love the library…almost as much as I like shopping for you. :)
- Mimi took you to see a real train and you thought it was so awesome!
- You have started asking Mommy to kiss EVERYTHING! You will barely bump your finger and ask me to kiss it. Anytime you barely bump, scrape, run into something (etc.), you ask me to kiss whatever “hurts”. It is so precious! I have kissed just about every part of your body. The other day you asked me to kiss your “chip”. It was so cute, but I had no idea what you were saying. I asked you to point to where your chip was and you pointed to your side. So I kissed it and you went on your merry way. I wrote about it on Facebook and was still somewhat confused about what your chip actually was. Sis. Kathy pointed out that you probably meant your hip. Duh! :) The only things you have asked me to kiss so far that I have said no to is your bottom (that just cracks me up!) and your tongue. You have come up to me two or three times and said, “Mama, kiss my tongue” and then stick it out! Uh, no thanks! :) Hahahaha! It’s so funny and adorable.
- I was getting you dressed the other day and told you we may need to go to the doctor because you seem to have problems with allergies. You said, “Go to doctor, get shot.” I said, “Yeah, probably, but it will be fast.” I knew you would be having your flu shot soon (which you ended up getting the flu mist instead). You then said, “Sticker on my shirt.” You sure are a smart boy! I am surprised you remember that, because you got your first sticker after your last shot which was three months ago.
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