Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Andrew and the First Snow (for Him!)

Dearest Andrew, 
Well today was a big day.  God gave us a little snow and you got to play in it for your very first time.  We had SO much fun and you were not too happy with Mommy when she told you it was time to come in.  You got to learn how to make and throw snowballs.  Mommy got to take 1,563,272 photos of you and a couple of videos.  Hehe.  It was freezing, my hairdo got wet, but it was so worth it to see the utter joy on your face as you stomped through the snow and made snowballs over and over.  You are my JOY!  Thank you for making a simple day the best ever!  I love you baby boy!


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Andrew the Speedy 20 Month Old

Dearest Andrew,
Here we go again.  Another month gone.  Boom!  Just like that.  And you know what is the scariest thing to Mommy?  You are only FOUR months away from being TWO!!!  Oy.  Mommy can't believe she will have a two year old soon.  You, Daddy, and I were watching old videos of you tonight and Daddy said, "They grow up so fast."  How true that is...  Someday you will understand when you have your own kids, but you just can't imagine how fast it all goes by.  That is why I am glad I have all of the thousands (literally) pictures and videos of you, and of course this blog.  I love looking back on your life so far.  It makes me a little teary though.  That's a mommy for you!
So, what have you been up to this past month?  Well, I can tell you one thing for sure, you have been RUNNING!!!  Oy. Vey.  I guess it's good, but my, you are one fast little sucker!  It's funny though at times (when we are playing chase) and not so funny (like when take off after Mommy tells you it's time to eat).  And of course every single time after your bath you go streaking into your Daddy's office naked as the day you were born.  I have to admit, that always makes Daddy and Mommy both laugh!  Daddy says you have a look on your face that says, "Help!  She's after me and she wants to put me in clothes!"  Haha!  
So, like always I have recorded in my Gratitude Journal daily snippets of everyday life.  Here are a few from this past month of your's:

  • Okay, so this is my VERY favorite thing you do now.  When we bow our heads before a meal and pray, you bow yours too and when we are done, Daddy pauses and waits for you to say, "AMEN!"  Ahhhhh, I LOVE it! :)
  • You have discovered the joy of ketchup and Mommy could kiss whomever invented the stuff because you have become a VERY picky eater!  Ketchup helps get several things down that you normally wouldn't touch.  Woot!
  • You now say "Help" (or more like "Ha-el-puh") for just about anything you need help with.  It's adorable.  The accent you take on when you say that word cracks me up!
  • You keep adding words to your vocabulary every day now.  You are a parrot and copy a good part of what we say.  I am thankful that Daddy and I don't use any foul language, because if we did, you would be saying it too!
  • When you want a drink, you go to the fridge, open it and look up.  Mommy always has a drink out for you, so I am not sure why you do this.  Maybe you are looking for a soda that is in your reach?  Hehe.
  • Daddy said "Whacko" and you did too.  Clear as a bell!  Hahahaha!  That really made me laugh!
  • We took you to Urgent Care for your second time in life and you were perfectly fine.  I know God touched you because you were acting really strange.  It really scared us and we can't thank God enough for His touch!
  • You looked at Mimi one day at her house and said, "We are singing!"  How I wish I could have heard this!
  • Daddy made a fort for the two of you and you had a blast running in and out of it.  At first the rules were that no girls were allowed.  However, you guys soon made an exception that Mommy was able to come in.  Phew! :)
  • You got to play on the drums at church with Daddy one night and sing and talk in the microphone.  It was cute at the time, but now you think the platform at church is your personal playground.  Oops!  We are constantly having to stop you from running up there.  Oh well, like I said, it was cute! :)
  • You love to say your cousin Sky's name.  I think when you do this, you are talking about both of your cousins since you have yet to say Zane.  When you hear a little kid out and about or even when Mommy is watching a video (usually of you) you come running saying, "Sky???"  I think you miss them!  It's so sweet! :)
  • You LOVE to color and are getting better at using markers and crayons.
  • You are starting to learn how to drink from a normal cup. The picture I used this time is on the day you turned 20 months old.  You did such a great job!  You acted like such a big boy!  And then you dumped the rest of the milk on your tray.  That's my boy! :)
  • You are starting to say your numbers and letters.  You don't get very far, but you sure are trying!
  • You had haircut number 5.
  • You weigh around 29lbs. still.
  • You can point out a majority of parts of your body including, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, head, hair, hands, arms, legs, feet, and your belly.  You can even name some of them.
  • You love stacking things.  It started with some coasters and then we bought you some blocks.  You love to play with them and when we went to the store tonight, you even stacked some some microwavable soup containers!  Haha! :)
Like always, I am sure there is much more I am leaving out, but that's life with a busy, running-non-stop little guy like yourself.  There is one big piece of news I left out.  Ooooo, I am so excited about this one!!!  Mommy is going to be able to quit working in a month or so!!!  Eeeeeeeee!!!  I only work two days, but they are overnight and I just hate being away from you even that long.  We are going to have FUN and Mommy is going to have a regular schedule!  God is SO good! :)
Okay, well another month has come and gone.  Once again, you have made that month one of the best ever. You are constantly surprising me with all you are learning.  It's such a blessing to be your mommy!  I love you so very much!



Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day Andrew!

Dearest Andrew,
There is nothing special about this post.  I am just showing off your cute face on our card.  I love you so much my little bug!
