Dearest Andrew,
Here are a few facts about your Mimi:
#1 Your mommy and Mimi are a lot more alike than Mommy cares to admit.
#2 Your Mimi has moved a million-
bajillion times. Yes, this is an actual number. Trust me.
#3 Your Mimi is a Master Gardener and an Interior Designer.
#4 Your Mimi is a very creative person.
#5 Your Mimi is one of Mommy's very best friends and was the only non-medical person in the delivery room besides Daddy.
#6 Your Mimi loves playing with her Andrew.
#7 Your Mimi is technologically...how shall we say it...cursed.
#8 Your Mimi seems to find a way around fact #7.
#9 Your Mimi watches you every Monday while Mommy is sleeping and you two have a blast!
#10 Your Mimi loves you
verrrry much!
I am sure in your little 9 month old mind, you really look forward to Mondays. I would, I always loved visiting my grandparents and Mimi is probably the best! She's animated, talkative, and loves the snot out of you you, all very attractive qualities to an infant! Every time she sees you, her eyes light up. I love seeing the two of you together! This is something Mommy has dreamed of for a long time! Mimi is Mommy's mommy and we are the best of friends. I can only pray that you and I have a relationship as good as mine and Mimi's. We love you little man!
PS - You obviously are not 9 months in this picture, but I just love it so much, I had to use it! :)