Dearest Andrew,
Here we are, nine months already! I can’t believe how fast the time has flown by…seriously! You have grown in so many ways! This past month you snuck out of some of your nine month size clothing and into 12 months seemingly overnight! You are so tall that most pants in size nine months don’t fit. You started cruising around the furniture, which is another step you must take before walking, you tried some finger foods this past week, you started getting two new teeth, and you said your first word. I finally concede that your first word was “Dada”. Sigh… That is hard for Mommy to take because we spend so much time together, but I know how much you love your Daddy. You say both Mama and Dada all the time, but when Daddy went to pick you up from Mimi’s house on Monday, Mimi said you looked right at him and said “Dada”. You are Daddy’s buddy for sure! I know you love Mommy too and I am just so happy you know who your Daddy is and how very much he loves you! He really does! We always joke about how it’s sad that you have no one to love you. I hope you always know how very blessed you are and so rich in love. That’s the best kind of rich to be!
Well, for some reason Mommy made a bigger deal than usual about your Nine Month Birthday. I walked around singing, “Happy Nine Months to You!” all day (which you giggled and giggle at) and even let you skip eating your veggies. I let you have Vanilla Custard with Bananas for lunch and Peach Cobbler for dinner (both baby food of course). You tried some of Mommy’s Broccoli Cheddar Soup at dinner and really seemed to like it! Yay you! You are so willing to try new things. This week we tried toast with a little bit of strawberry jelly too.
Tonight we went shopping, got a green shirt for tomorrow (St. Patrick’s Day) and some really cool Converse for when you get a little bigger. We had fun just running around with Daddy. You and I don’t really go very many places anymore, so when Daddy takes us out, it’s a real treat! You, once again, were SO good! You just laid back in your stroller and watched the world go by!
Okay, well that is just part of the past month with wonderful you! I’m sure there is more, but sometimes I can’t remember everything at once. It’s called getting older. Sigh again… Hehe! I love you little man! Happy Nine Months Birthday to Yoooou!!!”
PS – This is a picture taken today so you can see exactly what you looked like the day you turned nine months!