We went to Buy Buy Baby tonight to look at baby bags (Mommy's newest obsession!) and started to look at toys too. We had been there earlier with Mimi (also looking at baby bags...I may need professional help) and we spotted this Grover puppet. You and Daddy watch Grover clips on the Sesame Street website all the time. You...I mean Daddy (hehe) especially love Grover as the waiter. Daddy, and okay...Mommy too, just laugh and laugh at all the many times Grover messes up the same man's order over and over. When you are able to read this, you will probably remember the fast food clip where the food comes REALLY fast! Probably because we will still be watching it! "I would like the O'Salad, the O'Fish, the O'Bread, and an O'Glass of Milk." Too funny!
Anyway, back to the puppet. You saw this and seemed in awe of it. We put a regular Grover doll in front of you and you were like, "Eh!" But this one, this one you LOVED! It was so cute! I think you liked the mouth that opened and closed. So, this puppet is $18.00 and your normally cheapskate (I mean thrifty) father, bought it for you without another thought! I am hoping this means good news down the road for Mommy, and I can finally get my cat! You can just turn on that charm and he'll be putty in your hands! Hehe!
Well, I just wanted to share this with you. If for some reason we don't continue to watch Grover clips, know this is something we did a lot at this time! Daddy and Mommy get a kick out of it anyway! :)