Friday, October 28, 2011

Daddy the Softy

Dearest Andrew,
We went to Buy Buy Baby tonight to look at baby bags (Mommy's newest obsession!) and started to look at toys too. We had been there earlier with Mimi (also looking at baby bags...I may need professional help) and we spotted this Grover puppet. You and Daddy watch Grover clips on the Sesame Street website all the time. You...I mean Daddy (hehe) especially love Grover as the waiter. Daddy, and okay...Mommy too, just laugh and laugh at all the many times Grover messes up the same man's order over and over. When you are able to read this, you will probably remember the fast food clip where the food comes REALLY fast! Probably because we will still be watching it! "I would like the O'Salad, the O'Fish, the O'Bread, and an O'Glass of Milk." Too funny!
Anyway, back to the puppet. You saw this and seemed in awe of it. We put a regular Grover doll in front of you and you were like, "Eh!" But this one, this one you LOVED! It was so cute! I think you liked the mouth that opened and closed. So, this puppet is $18.00 and your normally cheapskate (I mean thrifty) father, bought it for you without another thought! I am hoping this means good news down the road for Mommy, and I can finally get my cat! You can just turn on that charm and he'll be putty in your hands! Hehe!
Well, I just wanted to share this with you. If for some reason we don't continue to watch Grover clips, know this is something we did a lot at this time! Daddy and Mommy get a kick out of it anyway! :)


I'll Love You Forever, I'll Like You For Always...

Dearest Andrew,
I am in love with this book! I am so glad that I have you, my dear son, to share this with as you get older. I love how it shows the deep bond between a mother and a son. The first time I heard it was at a graduation or some-sort for your cousin Emily when she was very little. It made me cry then, but now that I have you, it really makes me cry. I will read this to you many times! Of course the lines from the book that are so famous, are very true my sweet boy.

"I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be."

I love you very much! I can't wait for all the adventures we will have as you get older. I love cuddling you now, but someday we will get to run around and play! I don't want you to grow up too fast, that's for sure, but I am looking forward to all that we will share together! You are one of the very best things God has ever given me, and I hope you always know what a treasure you are!


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Many (Cute) Faces of Andrew Part II

Dearest Andrew,
You are one funny guy! Here is another selection of all the funny faces you make. We took these the other night while we were out to dinner. You (still) crack Mommy up! You really are such a sweet boy!


The Plans He Has For You...

Dearest Andrew,
Well I can’t believe it, but you are now four months old. To me, as strange as it may be, it is a milestone. Maybe because I told myself that would be the time I would finally put you in your crib. I’m not really sure, but it seems like a big deal. Tonight you are in your crib to sleep for the first time. I took the bumper pad out, installed a musical device on the side that projects images onto the ceiling, and put you down. You are sleeping away right now. I hope you like it.

Before I go to bed, I will lay my hands on you and pray for you like I have every single night since we brought you home. I pray so many things for you dear one. I pray that you will be close to God all of your life. I pray you will be a witness to your classmates and your coworkers. I pray that you will stay away from things that will harm you. I pray that people will see your light shine. I pray that you will be popular, but not for being the school jock or the coolest kid, but because you love Jesus and people and that others will see that in you. I want people to see a difference in you. I pray you will show God’s love to everyone. I know you will face trying times, heartache, and grief. We all do. I just pray that you learn to lean on God during these times. I pray for your wife and pray the same things for her. I pray that you both will be awesome witnesses of God’s love, grace, and mercy. God has great plans for you Andrew. I know He does. He says in Jeremiah 29:11:

“For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (NIV)

What does he have planned for you? I don’t know, but I know that it is good, because everything that God does is good. I love you so much and am thankful daily for you being in my life. You have made a change in Mommy’s life. Because of you, I have drawn closer to the Lord. Something about being a parent makes me understand God’s love a little better. I know I will never fully comprehend such an all-consuming love such as that, but I feel as if I understand it somewhat better. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for you! I can’t wait to see where He leads us as a family. I know this, we are blessed to have each other and we will face all that comes, good and bad, together. We are a strong family, because we have God on our side. Always know how much He loves you. And always know how much Mommy and Daddy love you too! Sleep well tonight little one!


PS - This picture was taken the other day while we were out running around. You were looking up at Daddy! I think someone is pretty fond of their daddy! :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Like Father, Like Son (and a Little Like Mommy Too)

Dearest Andrew,
We had a blast on vacation back in September. You, Daddy, and I all went to Nashville, TN. It was the first time any of us had been there, other than driving through. It was your first time for sure. We had so much fun! Mimi and Pop gave us a week at a very nice condo and we vacationed in style! You and Daddy took this picture at a park in Nashville. I just snapped it quickly with my phone and didn't think another thing about it. When I got back to the condo and saw it on the computer, I was amazed at how adorable the picture turned out! Daddy doesn't like that his eyes are kind of closed, but it is Mommy's very favorite picture of the two of you so far. You and Daddy didn't plan to dress alike, but it made the picture even better.

Your daddy loves you more than you can ever know, and this picture shows you love your daddy too. From the moment you arrived, everyone said you looked just like him. I will never forget something your daddy said the day you were born. He came back from watching you get your first bath and showing you off and said, "Well everyone keeps saying how much he looks like me, and then they say how cute he is. I guess that means I'm cute!" Haha! I have a feeling you will get your sense of humor from him and as much as you already "talk", you'll get that from me.

Daddy is not perfect and neither is Mommy. I pray though, that you get the best from both of us. Your daddy is one of the most upstanding, God-fearing, holy men I know. I pray you get that from him. Mommy has a soft heart and a happy spirit. I hope you get that from me. We love you so much! You are the greatest joy of our lives!


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Many (Cute) Faces of Andrew

Dearest Andrew,
You crack Mommy up! Even at three months old (which is how old you were when these pictures were taken), you are such a ham! These pictures were all taken in a span of five minutes. We were in a mall in Nashville, I thought you looked perticularly cute, so I started snapping away with my phone! I LOVE the results! You are one cute kiddo! I love you!!!
